Paleo Diet Guide: Meal Plan, Benefits and More

The Paleo diet is inspired by food that our predecessors used to eat during the Paleolithic era, which dates back to 2.5 million years ago. The argument provided is that ever since the caveman era human genetics have not undergone much change, thereby, diets eaten by first humans are more adjustable for our bodies rather… Continue reading Paleo Diet Guide: Meal Plan, Benefits and More

How to Manage Stress? Best Stress Management Techniques

Our society is obsessed with performance, competition, and perfection, which increases stress insidiously. Stress is essential for survival. The chemicals it triggers help the body prepare to face and cope with danger. Experiencing stress occasionally is perfectly normal, it’s not harmful and oftentimes helps us perform better. Experiencing stress for prolonged periods is alarming.  Constant… Continue reading How to Manage Stress? Best Stress Management Techniques

Health Benefits of Brahmi, Side Effects, and How to Use

Brahmi’s scientific designation is Bacopa Monnieri. Brahmi grows in marshy environments and is very commonly found throughout: Characteristics of Brahmi Brahmi is an important ayurvedic which has been use traditionally to treat a lot of diseases naturally along with other power ayurvedic herbs like Amla, Punarnava, Bhringraj, Aloe Vera, Vidarikand, Giloy, Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Tulsi and… Continue reading Health Benefits of Brahmi, Side Effects, and How to Use

6 Self-Care Tips for Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes arises when the secretion of insulin is insufficient in helping cells utilize an appropriate quantity of glucose in the blood.  Type 2 Diabetes is characterized by mainly two issues Type 2 diabetes may not exhibit any symptoms at first, leading to it going undiagnosed for many years. Symptoms  1. Follow a Healthy… Continue reading 6 Self-Care Tips for Diabetes Type 2

Ayurvedic Diet To Appease Your Dominant Dosha and Elevate your Life

Before we talk about ayurvedic diet, let’s introduce you to the concept behind it. Ayurveda is one of the oldest traditional medicine systems. Its age-old holistic healing teachings have survived and thrived over the years. According to Ayurveda, the entire universe is composed of 5 elements also referred to as “Pancha Mahabhoota”, that is: These… Continue reading Ayurvedic Diet To Appease Your Dominant Dosha and Elevate your Life

The Importance of Regular Exercise to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Exercise is one of the best home remedies for lowering high blood sugar levels in diabetics. When we exercise our body’s requirements for more energy rise. This requirement for extra energy is met by blood sugar.  When one does any physical activity like running or quickly sprinting to catch a bus, or playing a game… Continue reading The Importance of Regular Exercise to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Bhringraj, Dosage and Side Effects

Bhringraj (Eclipta prostrata) is considered one of the most powerful ayurvedic herbs. In India, it is also known as Keshraj (king of hair) due to its usefulness towards hair growth. What is Bhringraj? Bhringraj belongs to the sunflower family. Also known as Eclipta alba is commonly called false daisy. In Sanskrit it is called “Bhringraja”… Continue reading 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Bhringraj, Dosage and Side Effects

What Is Vidarikand: Health Benefits of Indian Kudzu, Uses and Side Effects

Vidarikand also referred to as Indian kudzu, scientifically known as Pueraria Tuberosa, is a perennial herb. Found in Asia, it flourishes in humid climates. From the Himalayas to Sikkim, one can easily find this herb. Ayurvedic Classification of Vidarikand Pueraria tuberosa is known as Vidarikand in Ayurveda. As part of the Fabaceae family, Vidarikand are… Continue reading What Is Vidarikand: Health Benefits of Indian Kudzu, Uses and Side Effects

What is PCOS: Symptoms, Cure, Diagnosis and Treatment

A complex disorder that affects ovaries in women, the actual causes of this disease which may make women unable to conceive and bear children are still unknown. In this post we will talk about it is is and what are its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and risk associated with this prevalent women’s disease and how to… Continue reading What is PCOS: Symptoms, Cure, Diagnosis and Treatment

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