We often neglect our mental health and keep hustling in our lives—in the end, we feel burned out and have no energy to proceed. Therefore, you must also look out for your mental health, deep relaxation and stop your daily hustle to deep relax.
Fortunately, Ayurveda techniques for deep relaxation come to save you from everyday stress and anxiety so you can energetically do the chores you admire without bursting down. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach that has been used successfully for thousands of years. There are numerous benefits of yoga asanas in your life. Let’s talk about 7 of those asanas and techniques that can help you improve quality of your life naturally.
Abhyanga (Self-Massage):

Abhyanga self-massage is one of the prominent Ayurvedic techniques that not only relaxes the mind but also energizes your body to do way more. In Abhyanga, you massage with oils to balance your doshas as they nourish your body, improve the internal organs, and increase blood and lymph circulation while removing toxins from the body.
As a result, your mind relaxes, and you can take a deep, restful sleep. It is one of the helpful Ayurvedic tips for good sleep. Follow these steps to give self-Abhyanga for deep relaxation.
- Warm the room: To kick off the abhyanga, sit in a warmer environment to stimulate your body. It would be best to do abhyanga in the morning; however, you can do it in the evening.
- Prepare Your Oil: According to Ayurvedic, certain oils work best to excite specific doshas.
- Vata: Warming oils like sesame
- Pitta: coconut or olive oils
- Kapha: sesame oil
- Meanwhile, the jojoba oil fits all doshas well. Also, the Herbal-infused oil works well to relax and release stress.
- Heat your oil: Now, warm your oil so that it feels soothing rather than painful.
- Massage your body: Start by massaging your scalp in a circular motion. The ground principle of the abaya is to work from head to toe.
- Take a warm bath: After massaging, let the oil stay on your body for 10-15 minutes, and then take a warm bath later.
Shirodhara (Oil Pouring)

Shirodhara is another conventional Ayurvedic healing method to relax and remove harmful AMA toxins from the body. Therefore, you must use this process to calm and soothe your mind. The term ‘Shirodhara’ stems from two Sanskrit words, where ‘Shiro’ means ‘head’ and ‘Dhara’ expresses ‘pouring.’
In this method, warm herbal ayurvedic oils are poured on the forehead from a certain height for a fixed period so the oil penetrates the hair. You will get a refreshing experience as it soothes and calms your muscles, which, as a result, also helps you overcome sleep disorders.
Meanwhile, Shirodhara keeps stress, tension, depression, and anxiety away from your mind. It’s one of the best Ayurvedic medicines for overthinking. Mostly, the oils pick up upon the person’s health and dosha imbalance. In general, pouring liquids comprise several oils, buttermilk, and coconut water–2-3 litre fluid used in the hour-long session of oil pouring.
Unlike the abaya self-massage, it would be best to do Shirodhara from an Ayurvedic professional.
Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)

The pranayama breathing technique relaxes the mind as it is a powerful tool to handle stress. Along with relaxation, it improves lung function, reduces blood pressure, boosts vitality, and induces peaceful sleep. This technique focuses on pauses in breathing and never neglects the weight of exhalation.
Puraka, Kumbhaka, and Rechaka are Sanskrit terms used in the breathing technique of pranayama, a yogic exercise.
- Puraka (Inhalation): Smooth Process of drawing in air.
- Abhyantara Kumbhaka (Pause after inhaling): This is the intentional holding of air in the lungs after inhaling, free of any movement of the body.
- Rechaka (Exhalation): Smoothly breathing out over-relaxation of the stretched muscles.
Meanwhile, the pranayama slow breathing technique improves mindfulness and releases stress. So start slow and then build a habit in the long run to harmonize your mind and body.
Meditation And Yoga Asana
Meditation and yoga together create magic and release all the stress from your body while calming your mind. When doing meditation, you have to focus on one thing at a time. In this way, you wipe out the strings of thoughts rushing in your mind that cause stress. Yoga lifts up your mood and brings calmness to your soul and body. Here are some basic yoga asanas that you can try;
1. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s Pose)

A Baddha Konasana is preferably suitable for individuals with no knee pain to relax the mind. With the proper practice, it can do wonders, let go of all the emotions, and soothe the mind.
2. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Leg Forward Bend)

Prasarita Padottanasana is one of the mind-soothing postures that make you feel lighter. In this yoga posture, you stand wide and bend the elbows downward.
3. Marjaryasana (Cat and Cow Stretch)

Marjaryasana is a blend of bitilasana and marjari asana that even pregnant women can do to get relief. This also fixes your backache while giving you a painless back along with a calming mind.
It would be best to practice meditation and yoga with a professional for holistic health.
Yoga Nidra
Research shows that Shirodhara and Yoga Nidra treatment together bring significant relief and are effective in reducing anxiety. Yoga Nidra is well-known for deep relaxation as you lie down doing nothing in a state of mindful awareness that promotes relaxation, stillness, peace, and mental clarity. Meanwhile, you are guided by professionals, and you go through emotions, sensations, and visualization. Another term for Yoga Nidra is yogic sleep because it is believed to make you feel refreshed, like several hours of deep sleep.
Summing Up
Ayurvedic Techniques for Deep Relaxation offers a holistic approach and fosters overall health. From the soothing Abhyanga massage to peaceful Shirodhara therapy, these techniques balance mind, body, and soul. Pranayama, meditation, and yoga are powerful tools to calm down the nervous system while boosting inner peace. When you integrate these best Ayurvedic techniques for deep relaxation, then you bring harmony, peace, and calmness into your life.