How to Prevent & Control Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Type 2 with Ayurveda

Meethai- be it gulab jamun or jalebis, we Indians love desserts. We always crave “Khane ke baad kuch meetha”- this love for sugary delights is quite innate. Eating sweet delicacies can definitely improve a person’s mood and cheer them up but one should put a limit on their intake- as an excess of anything is… Continue reading How to Prevent & Control Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Type 2 with Ayurveda

Categorized as Ayurveda

Asthma Management Strategies: Home Remedies, Allergies, and Avoiding Triggers

Asthma, also known as bronchial Asthma, is a persistent respiratory disease that affects the lungs. The condition is marked by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. Asthma affects millions worldwide. The recent global burden of the disease GBD estimated the total burden of asthma in India to be 34.3 million, accounting for 13.09% of the… Continue reading Asthma Management Strategies: Home Remedies, Allergies, and Avoiding Triggers

Categorized as Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Perspectives on Fertility Enhancement for Couples

Most couples strive to have a family, but certain challenges exist. Ayurveda, the oldest Indian medicine system, provides a unique and holistic approach to this fertility aspect. It says fertility is actually the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, in which three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, have a significant role. This perspective empowers couples… Continue reading Ayurvedic Perspectives on Fertility Enhancement for Couples

Health Benefits of Kaunch Beej: Uses, Side Effects, and More

Our body requires a balanced diet with nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, the body experiences changes due to seasonal changes, which may be in the form of different disorders and pandemics. But a lentil like Kaunch Beej, a product of mother nature, has numerous medicinal properties to offer.  What is… Continue reading Health Benefits of Kaunch Beej: Uses, Side Effects, and More

10 Benefits of Yoga Asanas in Your Daily Life

Yoga, an ancient technique discovered by sages in the Vedic period, promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness for all ages. It connects individuals with themselves, promotes inner peace, and has gained global recognition for its ability to prevent chronic diseases and enhance immunity.  Yoga is also mentioned in Ayurveda texts. Which shows how yoga… Continue reading 10 Benefits of Yoga Asanas in Your Daily Life

Natural Weight Gain Tips with Ayurveda – Proven Menthods

Weight loss can be caused by various disorders and aging, as the body’s metabolism struggles to absorb nutrients from food. Ayurveda states that a person might gain or lose weight as per the condition of Vata dosha. Ayurveda offers natural weight gain tips to balance agni, nourish the body with essential nutrients, and combat underweight… Continue reading Natural Weight Gain Tips with Ayurveda – Proven Menthods

Arjuna Benefits For Health: Uses, Side Effects and More

What is Arjuna Herb? The bark and leaves of the Arjuna herb are empowered with medicinal properties. It has been used since ancient times, which is proven by its name, which relates to the central character of the famous Hindu epic Mahabharata, “Arjuna”. Similar to the character of Arjuna, a symbol of strength, protection, and… Continue reading Arjuna Benefits For Health: Uses, Side Effects and More

Gokshura Benefits For Health: Side Effects, and More

Gokshur, is one of the most powerful ayurvedic herbs, is used in for its medicinal properties. The essence of this particular herb with medicinal properties exists in ancient ayurvedic texts of Charaka and Sushruta. Known as goat head or devil’s thorn, it has therapeutic and healing properties, helping to treat various body disorders. Let’s discover… Continue reading Gokshura Benefits For Health: Side Effects, and More

Safed Musli Benefits for Health, Side Effects, Use and More

Owing to their extraordinary medicinal qualities, Safed Musli roots are in high demand worldwide. In India, its leaves are cooked and eaten by people locally and its roots are used for preparing tonic or powder. Study how Safed Musli benefits through Ayurveda for problems related to sexual dysfunction, physical weakness and when toxic fats accumulate… Continue reading Safed Musli Benefits for Health, Side Effects, Use and More

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