SharePinShare0 SharesExperiencing hardness or stiffness in the muscles may be a threat to your body. Such inflammatory stiffness may shift to other muscles of the body and limit your mobility and regular activity. Ayurveda promises long-lasting relief from stiffness, pain, and inflammatory conditions existing in the musculoskeletal system through the…
SharePinShare0 SharesA joint is formed when two bones meet and allow flexibility and movement. However, certain obstacles in joints may slow down or stop mobility, increasing stiffness, inflammation, and swelling. Such obstacles may be ageing, nutritional deficits, or genetic disorders, which can cause wear and tear of cartilage, leading to…
SharePinShare0 SharesAs written in Ayurvedic texts, excess ama or vata may happen to absorb cartilage and joints. It may result in making the joints inflamed and painful. He or she may find difficulty moving the joints. It would be difficult to ignore mild to terrible conditions, even if it were…
SharePinShare0 SharesYoga, an ancient technique discovered by sages in the Vedic period, promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness for all ages. It connects individuals with themselves, promotes inner peace, and has gained global recognition for its ability to prevent chronic diseases and enhance immunity. Yoga is also mentioned in…
Best Yoga Poses for Knee and Joint Pains
SharePinShare0 SharesMost of us would have experienced joint pain at some point in our lives, especially after the age of 40. In this post, we will talk about home remedies for arthritis commonly referred to as joint pain. These home remedies for arthritis may potentially help you overcome the most…