Natural Ways to Boost Immunity

Natural Ways to Boost Immunity & Prevent Illness With Giloy

In other words, this climbing shrub known as Giloy happens to improve your health with its medicinal properties. It is indeed too difficult to find any medicine in allopathy that may cure numerous disorders or diseases. On the contrary, the efficacy of giloy or guduchi has been mentioned in ancient Ayurveda. It has unlimited medicinal powers and can prevent illness naturally.

Importance of Immunity in Overall Health

It has always been proven that Giloy or Guduchi keeps people away from life-threatening diseases. But the potency of Giloy has been discovered in recent times to safeguard the immune system from regular coughs, colds and fevers

What is Giloy?

It is a member of the specific Menispermacae botanical family and develops satisfactorily as a climbing shrub on various trees in tropical zones. 

As we know, around 5000 years ago, Hindu scriptures were developed, in which Giloy is mentioned as Amrita or heavenly elixir. Different Ayurvedic texts written in the same Vedic period have highlighted the medicinal properties of Giloy or Guduchi.

7 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity & Prevent Illness With Giloy

Guduchi is the Sanskrit term used for Giloy, a powerful medicinal herb used in the Ayurvedic way to treat different disorders given below:

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

It is highly effective for anyone suffering from different forms of inflammatory disorders, which may be joint pain, asthma, cough, cold and dengue fever. Apart from stimulating recovery from various fevers, it may help in overcoming inflammatory conditions in the stomach.

2. Antioxidant Activity

It can cleanse the blood with its detoxifying properties. Otherwise, oxidants happen to disrupt the cell membranes and other biological structures like DNA, Proteins and lipids. A high rate of such harmful substances may increase the risks of cancer, cardiovascular disorder and scarry tissues in the kidney. But Giloy may protect the liver, heart and kidney from various types of free radicals and oxidative stress.

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3. Immune-Modulating Effects

There is no better medicine than Giloy to boost immunity naturally. Compared to any allopathic medicine which may target certain microorganisms and symptoms, giloy or guduchi indeed works as amrita for the body with its bioactive flavonoids, alkaloids and glycosides. It may keep away from life-threatening toxins or plaque, which happens to damage tissues, cells and organs without causing any adverse effects.

4. Enhanced White Blood Cell Function

It is important to maintain a sufficient number of white blood cells in the body because it has the potency to safeguard the tissues and organs of the body from cancer and life-threatening microbes. But Giloy increases the number of white blood cells which may further support in strengthening the defense mechanism.

5. Antipyretic Properties

You may have been using over-the-counter syrups or tablets for temperature or fever reduction but there may be conditions of fever relapsing or letting you suffer from different side effects.  But Giloy happens to be a promising solution for any form of fever with its natural antipyretic properties. It may increase the platelet count and thereby save your life during dengue and malaria. 

6. Fastens Wound Healing 

Getting wounded may affect you with pain, swelling and even bleeding. There may be some good ointments found in the pharmacy for wound healing but later might bring adverse effects on the skin with rashes or allergic reactions. But moon-shaped Giloy herb may help in recovering the injury with its holistic approach. It may lead to swelling and inflammation reduction and stimulate the regeneration of cells and tissues apart from causing pain-relieving effects.

7. Delays Aging with Excellent Skin Conditions

The process of aging gets reflected and shows up through the skin in the form of fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. But with age-defying gunas, Giloy may reduce the wrinkles and enable you to look younger and fresh. It may further help in controlling the spread of eczema, acne, pimples and itching conditions by purifying the blood.

How Do You Use Guduchi in Your Daily Routine?

Giloy will reveal its healing signs when taken in an appropriate dosage. Guduchi dosage may vary depending on the form you are using:

  • Giloy Powder: You may take ¼ to ½ teaspoon per day ( Maximum twice daily)
  • Giloy Capsules: Every day, you can consume 2 to 4 capsules 
  • Giloy Tea: You may experience therapeutic effects by consuming Giloy in the form of tea.

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Method of preparing it

Boiling two Giloy and four basil leaves in four cups of water. Add ginger and pepper to enhance the taste, flavour and healing effects. Continue boiling until the solution becomes half and later you may add honey and lemon juice.

  • Fresh Giloy Leaves: You can chew the one or two leaves directly combined with honey to improve the taste. Or else you can make kadha with those two leaves.

How to Consume Guduchi?

  • Giloy Juice: one to two teaspoons, or more depending on your needs.
  • Giloy Powder: 1/4 to ½ teaspoon as per your preference.

Usage tips of Guduchi

  1. It can be used orally and topically, depending on the ailments you are suffering from.
  2. To avoid its bitter taste, you can add honey or dilute it with more quantities of milk or water.

1. Milk-Based Giloy Paste

  • Take a ¼–½ teaspoon of powdered Giloy.
  • Apply it to the skin after mixing it with milk.
  • To reduce hyperpigmentation and blemishes, apply this treatment two to three times each week.

2. Honey Flavored Giloy Juice

  • Take one or two teaspoons of gelatin.
  • Combine it with honey and apply it to the skin evenly.
  • To reduce wrinkles and dryness, apply this treatment two to three times each week. 

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Precautions and Considerations

Side Effects

  1. It may show up with an allergic response on the skin.
  2. It can lower your blood sugar level
  3. It may cause stomach irritation and nauseating tendencies
  4. There may be chances of liver injury.

If the right amount of Giloy is not taken, such side effects could occur.

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Who should avoid it?

  1. Even though the studies have not yet been confirmed, still women during pregnancy or lactating are advised to not consume or use Giloy. 
  2. It is advised to administer a dosage of no more than 250 mg to children older than five.

Final Words

Guduchi or Giloy’s medicinal uses have been highlighted in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. There is also well-documented information about its range of effectiveness in healing Corona. It is well known for its revitalizing effects and therefore it has gathered its name as Amrita. Consuming giloy in different amounts with honey, milk, or water can help people with inflammatory conditions, high blood sugar, and wound healing. Guduchi also promotes cell regeneration, reduces oedema, and speeds up wound healing. It also postpones aging in people with flawless skin. 

Dr. Hindika Bhagat is a General Ayurveda Physician with more than 7 years of experience, carrying out the education qualification of BAMS with a keen interest in holistic healing. She focuses on the curative aspects of herbal medicine, through diet and lifestyle modification. She specializes in attending to patients with addiction, stress and immunity problems, and lung and liver health issues. She aims to empower the patient by understanding his/her health condition, guiding them further towards natural remedies that make a person look, feel, and act their best. 

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