Overcoming PCODPCOS Challenges Naturally
Women's Health

Struggling with PCOD/PCOS? Balance Your Hormones Naturally with Ayurveda

Hormonal imbalances in the body can lead to certain diseases, such as PCOS and PCOD. It’s very common for women of reproductive age to experience it. It is quite prevalent for women of reproductive age to encounter this condition.

In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), there is an excess of hormones known as androgens, leading to the formation of small cysts in the ovaries, which can disrupt normal bodily functions.

In PCOD, the ovaries make eggs, but they aren’t fully grown or ready. These eggs stay in the ovaries and make them swollen, which can cause problems in the female body.

Therefore, it’s important to address this issue at the earliest. In this blog, we will address the growing challenges of PCOD/PCOS and how to overcome PCOD/PCOS naturally. 

Managing PCOS Naturally: The Importance of Lifestyle Changes for Better Health

PCOS patients can face various health-related challenges like heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or, if not treated properly, endometrial cancer, which would be the last fatal condition.

A report by the Department of Biotechnology’s Annual Report 2024-25(1) emphasizes the increasing incidence of PCOS and its association with conditions like Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome

In this condition, suggestions for medical treatments could negatively impact your hormonal regulations and insulin level. Hence, it’s better if you could go with the natural treatment for hyperandrogenism (PCOS), which nevertheless has less impact on the body. These natural treatments could help you manage a better lifestyle, which is a plus.

Along with that, PCOS can never be treated fully in one go. Hence, it requires a proper lifestyle change, so you have to make informed decisions by taking charge of your life and altering your previous routine.

A Brief Overview of PCOS challenges

There’s always a debate about PCOD vs PCOS; let’s settle it all and understand these diseases. PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that could be due to your irregular lifestyle, stress, or obesity issues.

In this condition, your ovaries start to produce immature eggs, but it does not have that much impact on the pregnancy; only a few medical follow-ups are required. 

On the other side, PCOS is a severe form of PCOD, which could be a cause of anovulation and have an impact on women’s fertility. The chances of premature births and miscarriage are also present in PCOS. PCOS could be a genetic, environmental, or lifestyle irregularity.

These diseases are the by-products of hormonal imbalances, which impact not only the reproduction or ovulation process but also mental and metabolic disturbances such as depression, insulin resistance, weight issues, hair loss, fatigue, etc.

As per the World Health Organization(2), Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) impacts approximately 8–13% of women in their reproductive span. The alarming situation is that up to 70% of PCOS-affected women stay undiagnosed around the globe. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain your health to keep your hormones in balance.

Role of Nutrition in Managing PCOS/PCOD

A certain risk of chronic diseases is attached to PCOS and PCOD if you are not managing your diet properly. The diet has a crucial role in promoting a balanced hormonal life and reducing symptoms.

For PCOS/PCOD patients, a Mediterranean diet is recommended, which includes

  • Skinless poultry, fish, and plant-based proteins like chickpeas and lentils
  • Omega-3-rich fish, beans, proteins, and fruits. 
  • Fiber nutrients and antioxidants, lentils, leafy greens
  • Vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, lettuce, brown rice, and bread
  • Fruits like berries, strawberries or blueberries.

Research(3) shows that the Mediterranean diet brings positive changes in reproductive hormones and insulin sensitivity that aid in the management of PCOS symptoms. For other dietary recommendations to manage your PCOS. 

However, you should avoid certain foods like fried foods, red meat, processed snacks, alcohol, white rice, tea, fatty items, etc., as they aggravate the symptoms. 

Lifestyle Modifications for Managing PCOS/PCOD Naturally

You can manage PCOS/PCOD naturally by making certain lifestyle modifications that can help regulate hormones, reduce PCOS/PCOD symptoms, and improve overall well-being. Here are some key lifestyle changes to consider-

  • Keep a check on your weight to manage hormonal balance in PCOS and PCOD conditions. 
  • Do 20 to 30 minutes of exercise daily after meals or 120 minutes of intense exercise in a week. 
  • Aerobic exercise, swimming, and brisk walking are some of the activities that can be helpful for you.
  • Mind exercises like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, pilates, or tai chi help reduce the cortisol level, a stress hormone. 
  • Make a proper sleep schedule for 7-8 hours of adequate sleep, as it is helpful in stress management, which is commonly experienced during PCOD/PCOS.
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Coping Techniques and Emotional Support

The life of PCOS/PCOD patients is not easy; it is necessary to acknowledge your emotional well-being and work on it. To calm down your emotions, you can practice some of these coping techniques-

  • Journal or engage in mindful activities,
  • Spend time exploring nature or doing your favorite hobby.
  • Listen to calm music; it helps to manage your stress and anxiety.

If you feel you need to be less depressed, you can also choose to seek professional help for emotional support. In this digital era, there are multiple online platforms where you can connect with people with similar conditions, which will help you gain emotional strength.

Herbal and Natural Remedies

To ease your PCOS/PCOD impacts, like irregular periods or the production of androgens, herbs are productive. In herbs, Vitex agnus-castus and Cinnamomum cassia are famous and helpful for fertility, insulin, sugar, and menstrual regulation. 

A study was done(4) to find out the benefits of herbs in treating PCOS. It found that Aloe vera has a regulating effect on blood lipid and glucose levels, and hence, this activity is useful in treating PCOS due to metabolic disturbances. Cinnamon is used as an adjunctive in the treatment of PCOS through oral supplementation during the luteal phase, where it could regulate progesterone levels.

However, make sure to consult your doctor or seek professional help before taking any of these herbs, as everybody reacts differently, so a doctor’s recommendation is suggested.

Mind-Body Connection and Holistic Healing

PCOD/PCOS is not limited to physical illness only; it has a direct link with the mind. Your improper physical health impacts the mind, which results in anxiety and depression, which means worse disease symptoms. Hence, it is essential to acknowledge this mind-brain connectedness to deal with the disease.

You can adopt Ayurveda, acupuncture, or Chinese treatment medicine to eliminate pain, fatigue, digestive issues, and improper balance flow.

Hence, exploring this comprehensive care could help in holistic healing along with regular medicine treatment. But you must get professional PCOS help before doing any medical experiments on your body.

Creating a Supportive Environment 

A supportive and caring environment does wonders for patients. The environment provides a sense of belonging and boosts morale to combat the illness.

Family and friends have a crucial role here; discuss openly with them. Only expressing your emotions and having direct communication with loved ones helps fight against the disease.

You can also join Facebook groups like the PCOS Support Group or check out the My PCOS team for online support and communication.


A disease like PCOS or PCOD can never limit your well-being. Make yourself properly educated about the disease, symptoms, and prevailing elements with the help of your doctor, and create a proper routine plan.

If medications scare you, opt for natural approaches, like diet changes and stress management, to overcome the disease. You need to remember that your will power can take this disease to its toes. Now you know about how to control PCOS/PCOD naturally; give it a good fight, as only you can do it.


1. How to Control PCOS Naturally?

PCOS/PCOD can be managed naturally through some lifestyle modification, dietary changes, herbal remedies and coping techniques. Regulate your stress, exercise regularly and maintain your weight to keep your PCOD in control.  

2. What Are the Best Foods for PCOS?

Consume foods rich in low-GI, high-fiber diet with plenty of healthy fats and lean proteins to manage PCOS. Some of the foods you can consider including are- eggs, nuts, seeds, avocados and various fruits and leafy vegetables.s

3. How to Manage PCOS Naturally Without Medication?

You can manage PCOS naturally by trying the Ayurvedic approach and aligning it with lifestyle changes. Maintain a balanced diet, healthy weight, and keep your stress in check. 

4. How to Overcome Polycystic Ovarian Disease?

You can overcome PCOS by taking an Ayurvedic or medical path. It’s hard to get rid of it, but you can manage the symptoms by managing your Insulin Levels and maintaining hormonal balance. This can be done through a set of dietary changes, lifestyle modification and herbal remedies. 

5. Are PCOS and PCOD the Same?

PCOS happens when a woman’s ovaries have too many little cysts inside them, and this can make it harder for her to have regular periods. It can be self-managed. PCOS is a bit more serious. It’s when the ovaries also have cysts, but the body makes too many hormones, which can result in irregular periods, grow extra hair, or even have trouble getting pregnant. It needs a doctor’s attention.


  1. Department of Biotechnology. DBT Annual Report 2024-25. Available from: https://dbtindia.gov.in/sites/default/files/DBT%20Annual%20Report%202024-25.pdf
  2. World Health Organization. Polycystic ovary syndrome [Internet]. Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/polycystic-ovary-syndrome
  3. Azziz R, Carmina E, Dewailly D, et al. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2016;2:16057. Available from: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6836220/
  4. Naderpoor N, Shorakae S, Joham AE, et al. Obesity in polycystic ovary syndrome: Implications and management. Fertil Steril. 2015;104(6): 1528–1534. Available from: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9844343/

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