10 Proven Home Remedies to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

Everyone desires to grow smooth, shiny, thick, dark, and long natural hair but many are deprived of it. Most of us do not follow the natural ways to maintain our hair growth and suffer from dull and frizzy hair. Sometimes, we use hot water to wash our hair which wipes out the natural oils from… Continue reading 10 Proven Home Remedies to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

Categorized as Lifestyle

6 Breathing Exercises for Asthma Patients

Normal people may not understand the difficulty of breathing that usually any asthma patient goes through. Medical science has not been able to locate the exact reason for suffering from asthma. But then asthma makes the airways swollen and inflammatory and blocked with mucus.  Medications like inhaled corticosteroids and beta-agonists may provide relief for such… Continue reading 6 Breathing Exercises for Asthma Patients

How to Prevent & Control Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Type 2 with Ayurveda

Meethai- be it gulab jamun or jalebis, we Indians love desserts. We always crave “Khane ke baad kuch meetha”- this love for sugary delights is quite innate. Eating sweet delicacies can definitely improve a person’s mood and cheer them up but one should put a limit on their intake- as an excess of anything is… Continue reading How to Prevent & Control Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Type 2 with Ayurveda

Categorized as Ayurveda

What Foods to Eat and Avoid With Fatty Liver Disease?

The liver is the most vital organ of the body which helps in digesting food, preserving energy and eliminating toxins from the body. The fatty liver condition does not let the liver work normally and that affects the digestive system severely and the entire metabolism of the body. Deposition of excess fats in the liver… Continue reading What Foods to Eat and Avoid With Fatty Liver Disease?

Home Remedies for Cold and Cough: Shoo Away the Fever Flu

Cold and Cough: Ever since our birth we have experienced them numerous times. Common cold usually takes 7-10 days to recover. But those 7-10 days are certainly not the pleasant ones. Cold makes your body restless and tired. The allopathy medicine for cold though effective are often have following side effects: India is home to… Continue reading Home Remedies for Cold and Cough: Shoo Away the Fever Flu

10 Foods to Avoid When Consuming Shilajit

10 Foods to Avoid When Consuming Shilajit

Wrong food combinations often happen to make the person suffer from different health disasters. One needs to be careful while consuming strong aphrodisiac herbs from the Himalayas like Shilajit. Shilajit as a whole increases the stamina of men in bed.  It is high in minerals and offers probable health advantages. Due to its dense texture… Continue reading 10 Foods to Avoid When Consuming Shilajit

9 Natural Sleep Remedies to Improve Your Quality of Rest

If you are frequently getting disturbed in your sleep or continuously not sleeping for several days then it would be a threat to your health. Anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain, side effects of certain medicines and consumption of excess caffeine might be disrupting your regular sleeping schedule. The idea of maintaining sleep hygiene is about… Continue reading 9 Natural Sleep Remedies to Improve Your Quality of Rest

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