Top 8 Ayurvedic Herbs for Kidney Detox
Ayurvedic Herbs

Top 8 Ayurvedic Herbs for Kidney Detox

The kidneys remove waste and extra water from the bloodstream and create urine. Moreover, they generate hormones, regulate blood pressure, and promote the production of red blood cells.

Kidney stones can cause severe side or back pain, nausea, and blood in the urine. The pain is usually only temporary, and the rocks disappear naturally. Yet, if kidney stones are not removed, they may narrow or clog the ureters, raising the possibility of infection or renal strain.

What Are Kidney Stones?

Any solid matter consumed in excess may form a stone in the kidney. First, it could be crystallized, then it could combine with other solid materials such as calcium, salts, and other chemicals in the urine to form a stone when there is not much fluid present to dilute it. You may develop kidney stones under the following conditions:

Dehydration: When you are drinking less water or any form of fluid. However, take caution when consuming carbonated beverages, as they may contain soda and phosphoric acid, which can result in kidney stones.

Why is Kidney Health Important?

It is an essential organ that the body needs to remove waste products and poisonous materials from the bloodstream, which may threaten and slow down the metabolic activities of the body.

One kidney is sufficient for running the process of filtration, increasing the production of red blood cells, and managing blood pressure. But one would be on the safer side with two kidneys, which can make the filtration process easier by sharing the workload and performing faster and better in the process of protecting from heart disease, stroke, and renal dysfunction.

Expert Advice on How to Maintain Healthy Kidneys – Dietary Tips

Kidneys may worsen as a result of high blood sugar or any heart disorder, or due to lifestyle disorder. When it stops functioning normally, it starts accumulating waste in the body. Certain dietary restrictions may keep your renal disorder under control and save you further from dialysis or transplantation.

1. Choose Healthy Foods

Reduce the salt intake and cut down on sugars as much as possible, but maintain a proper balance of fiber-rich green leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

2. Limit Processed Foods

Avoiding foods that are packaged, frozen, tinned, microwaveable, or that come in ice cream or biscuit forms may be harmful to kidney function. These processed foods contain dangerous chemicals, such as sodium and phosphorus, which may prevent the kidneys from eliminating toxins.

3. Regular Exercise

Another key strategy to prevent obesity and hypertension is regular physical activity, which should be combined with healthy nutrition. But those taking treatment for chronic conditions should consult a Kidney Disease Expert before starting any kind of exercise routine.

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4. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans, also known as rajma, are abundant in protein, both soluble and insoluble fibers, and Vitamin B, all of which support the proper functioning of the kidneys. They aid in dissolving and eliminating kidney stones as well. Additionally, rajma has a low glycemic index, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes.

Which Is The Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Kidney Detox? 

Clinical data has claimed successful recovery from mild to severe kidney disease by using Stones Veda. Kidney patients will undoubtedly benefit from the potency of medicinal herbs such as Varuna bark, Gokshur, Horse Gram, and Black Cumin seeds present in this medicine. It comes in capsule or syrup form, which may:

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Bring relief from the root cause by diluting the stones or crystals.

  1. Ease the flow of urine.
  2. Revitalize the bladder and abdomen.
  3.  Purify the urethra and kidney. 
  4. Regulate urinary tract
  5. Not cause any side effects.

8 Ayurvedic Herbs for Kidney Detox?

1. Turmeric

It has the potency to remove any deadly microbe from the body and may therefore heal urinary infection. It will lessen discomfort and swelling while regulating the development of stones. 

2. Garlic

This particular herb is thought to be a food that tastes good and acts as kidney medicine. It can be used as an alternative to salt to remove the toxic stones from the kidney. Urine may flow freely as a result of it. 

3. Ginger

It is considered one of the best herbs for kidney health and has been used since ancient times to fight various infections. In addition to eliminating toxins through urine, it may also stop further damage to renal tissues caused by high blood sugar.

4. Gokhru

According to studies, Gokshura may heal the final stage of renal problems. It may make the patient comfortable during urination. It may also help in getting rid of urinary tract infections.

5. Punarnava

Punarnava is a potent natural herb that Ayurveda uses to treat kidney stones and toxins while also supporting kidney health and reviving the urinary tract.

6. Basil

Ayurveda for kidney health suggests chewing 2 to 3 leaves of tulsi every day. It may remove discomfort arising from kidney stones during urination.

7. Coriander

It may aid in altering infection in the kidneys and ease the process of urination. It may not let the water retain in the body and stimulate the removal of toxins easily. 

8. Triphala

Studies have also concluded that the consumption of Triphala helps in improving renal functions. It may eliminate the stones through urine without causing any irritation or discomfort.

Final Words

We are all aware of the critical role the kidneys play in controlling the generation of red blood cells and eliminating waste. To keep kidneys running healthily, it is necessary to drink a lot of water and be cautious of your daily diet. Kidney disease is caused by consuming too many processed, sugary, and salty foods, which accumulate as kidney stones. Ayurveda serves the purpose of removing kidney stones, repairing renal tissues, and improving the quality of urine with different revitalizing and antimicrobial herbs. 

Dr. Hindika Bhagat is a General Ayurveda Physician with more than 7 years of experience, carrying out the education qualification of BAMS with a keen interest in holistic healing. She focuses on the curative aspects of herbal medicine, through diet and lifestyle modification. She specializes in attending to patients with addiction, stress and immunity problems, and lung and liver health issues. She aims to empower the patient by understanding his/her health condition, guiding them further towards natural remedies that make a person look, feel, and act their best. 

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