The liver is closely associated with and works along with the gall bladder by producing bile and storing it in the bladder. It plays a major role in removing wasteful matter, which is a threat to the healthy metabolic activities of the body. However, the wrong dietary choices, stress, and genetic conditions may disrupt the liver metabolism and lower the count of RBC.
One has to make lifestyle choices carefully to maintain the pitta dosha and Agni. Ayurveda promises holistic care for the liver with herbs, organic ingredients, and a balanced diet, which may lead to long-lasting positive effects.
Types of Liver Diseases
1. Viral Hepatitis: It may weaken the liver cells and increase bilirubin levels., thus leading to low hemoglobin levels. And a weak immune system.
2. Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: It might affect someone whose dependence level on alcohol has increased severely.
3. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: This form of disease may arise in anyone who is usually relying on trans fats or saturated-based food items.
4. Hemochromatosis: It may arise in the liver as a process of inheritance with steady iron accumulation.
5. Fibrosis: Certain portions of the liver develop scars when the liver tries to recover its damaged cells.
Primary biliary cirrhosis puts a person’s life at risk and might even cause death as the bile duct becomes blocked. Inflammatory conditions and scars of the liver do not let the bile flow through thus making the person suffer from cirrhosis.

Primary Activities of The Liver
1. It helps in extracting the nutrients from the food and sending them whenever there is a need for energy development. It also assists in blood sugar metabolism by producing glucose whenever required.
2. It assists in the blood-cleansing process.
3. The liver helps manage body fats by producing bile.
4. It cleanses the blood and releases waste through urine and feces.
5. It helps generate a special protein that assists in the transfer of hormones, drugs, and fatty acids through the entire body.
Reasons for Liver Damage
The factors, or reasons, contributing to liver damage are:
1. Alcohol Drinking
Whoever gets addicted to alcohol will face worse consequences in the future. Addiction makes quitting very difficult, and further alcohol damages the active cells of the liver and makes the person suffer from a scarring disease or cirrhosis.
2. Microbial Contamination
When the hepatitis virus, bacteria, or any other form of microbe weakens the liver, it may not let the liver function normally.
In some cases of hepatitis or any form of microbial infection, one may lose life. Even the fungal infection arising from organ transplantation and chemotherapy may weaken the liver conditions.
3. Overdose Of Strong Medications
Increasing the intake of vitamin supplements or any other strong dosage may not let the liver function. The impact of acetaminophen, antifungals, and certain antibiotics may impair liver cells.
4. Genetic Variations
Certain unavoidable genetic diseases, like hemochromatosis (excessive iron buildup on the liver), or too much copper in the liver, spread across other parts of the body, risking life.
11 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for a Healthy Liver

1. Turmeric
Turmeric is used while preparing any Indian cuisine. It kills all the free radicals that destroy or weaken the liver cells. It has enabled the liver to reveal its recovery response from fibrosis.
2. Aloe Vera
It has hepatoprotective properties, so regular consumption of aloe vera increases the potency of the liver to function successfully. Its laxative property can alter the inflammation and heal the scarring spots on the liver.
3. Amla
Ayurveda has found a lot of remedial measures in amla, or Indian gooseberry, and therefore recommends it for treating any form of liver disorder. It will defend the liver from the damaging influences brought on by any chemical overload. Additionally, it will minimize the chemical overload on the liver.
4. Licorice
In other words, it is known to be Mulethi, which may protect against inflammatory conditions of the liver and may also protect against toxic accumulation in the liver.
You can take 1 teaspoon of Mulethi root every day with one glass of milk to keep your unhealthy and inflammatory liver active. The continuing consumption of licorice in the form of aromatic tea or any other beverage will lessen the toxic fats and activate the liver enzymes.
5. Kutki
If you are seeking liver health tips from any natural resource, then Kutki would be a suitable one. This specific Himalayan herb will stop any further damage to the liver cells if orally administered during the period of jaundice or fatty liver.
It will enable the secretion of bile, which will finally bring liver enzymes into action. Its cooling properties will help in recovering from excess pitta dosha and improve liver potency.
6. Milk Thistle
Its high content of flavonoids like silymarin makes it capable enough to restore liver health from fatty conditions of any form, whether alcoholic or nonalcoholic. It will help in repairing the cells of the liver. Known as Holy Thistle, it has been prescribed by physicians for attaining recovery without letting go of any side effects.
7. Green Tea
Drinking tea, especially green tea, has been a trend already in China and Southeast Asia, and now it has gained popularity in India because of its amazing therapeutic properties. Drinking it daily will simply free the liver from the malignant effects of microbes and unhealthy fats.
8. Ginseng
It can be one of the most successful Ayurvedic remedies for an unhealthy liver. Identified as Ashwagandha, in other words, it may be a savior for people who are struggling with fatty liver symptoms.
It may help in recovering from chemicals and hepatitis viruses. Its revitalizing constituents will assist in healing the impaired cells of the liver and other anti-inflammatory conditions.
9. Ginger
Ginger is a common spice used in every Indian delicacy, and it is known to keep the liver healthy. Whatever you consume, its compounds will work in the process of controlling inflammation, helping in the regeneration of liver cells, and protecting from further damage.
10. Gingko Biloba
It is one of the ancient tree species that has amazing medicinal properties. It can reverse the critical problems or diseases arising in the liver. Clinical evaluation has confirmed its ability to reduce the alcoholic fats accumulated in the liver.
11. Garlic
It may not only contribute to enhancing the flavor and taste of the food that you regularly eat; it can also detoxify and make your liver enzymes active. Therefore, it happens to be one of the recommended home remedies for fatty liver.
Apart from consuming it as a spice, which may have been added to vegetable curry or sprinkled on any delicacy, you can use it as a major food supplement.
Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle for Liver Health
A healthy lifestyle is about managing or making dietary choices that may help in smooth digestion, regular bowel movements, reducing obesity conditions, and minimizing stress. These are all lifestyle choices that may impact liver health and its functions.
A fiber-rich diet combined with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial spices and appropriate stress management techniques will not let any toxic fat build up in the liver. We would not have to rely on a doctor and medication. Adopting an Ayurvedic way of life is the best way to keep the liver healthy and increase our span of life.
Final Words
The liver is vital for maintaining metabolic activities and is linked to the gall bladder. However, dietary choices, stress, and genetic conditions can disrupt liver metabolism and lower the red blood cell count. Ayurveda offers holistic care for the liver using herbs, organic ingredients, and a balanced diet.
Liver diseases like viral hepatitis, alcohol-related liver disease, and NAFLD can be caused by factors like alcohol consumption, microbial contamination, and medication overdose. But with herbs like milk thistle, turmeric, garlic, and ginger, you can keep your liver protected from any critical condition and save your life.